Will AI take my job?
“AI will take your job, it’s just a matter of time”
— Random doomsayer
“AI will take your job, it’s just a matter of time”
— Random doomsayer
A couple days ago in a reddit thread, the author claimed that using panics instead of returning errors was up to 40% faster. The reactions were, as expected, mostly negative, after all two of the go proverbs are “Errors are values” and “Don’t panic”.
The large language models (LLM’s) revolution is currently led by OpenAI, and rightfully so. It was their release of ChatGPT that really gave us a sneak peek at how interactions between humans and computers will be in the future.
One notable absence in Go’s specification is the lack of a ternary operator. Although I understand how abusing it can lead to pretty cryptic code, there are a lot of use cases that could make the code more expressive and succinct.
Throughout my career, I’ve mentored and coached dozens of software engineers. But one mistake I’ve seen repeatedly is the number one cause for career stagnation.